CARE is Advancing
Financial Literacy Nationwide
CARE stands for Credit Abuse Resistance Education. CARE is a national non-profit comprised of professionals in bankruptcy, financial services, and business. We volunteer our time to educate young adults and others about the benefits of personal financial management and the consequences of credit abuse. Borrowing from our professional experiences, we tell true stories about financial distress and the impact it can have on one’s life.
CARE presentations focus on the smart use of credit, including both credit cards and student loans. We also discuss bankruptcy, credit reports, credit scores, budgeting, and identity theft.
Our programs are generally appropriate for teenagers and adults and range from 30 to 120 minutes. CARE presentations are direct, interactive, multimedia, concrete, and relevant.
CARE provides training opportunities to new volunteers in the form of one-on-one coaching, presentation observation, and group training.
We are successful at resonating with people, in part because the audience appreciates the expertise and passion we have.