The Problem
In the United States, a little over half of all adults are financially literate, according to a 2014 survey by Standard & Poor’s Rating Services. Financial illiteracy can have a profound effect on a person’s ability to save for their future, increasing their risk of higher debts and less savings. People who are financially literate make smarter decisions about saving, planning for retirement, investments, and more. Beginning financial education at an early age is critical to a young person’s long-term financial well-being.
What Does CARE Do?
Credit Abuse Resistance Education (CARE) is a national, nonprofit organization providing students and young adults with the skills they need to make smart financial decisions. CARE is a volunteer-driven organization, with a network of expert volunteers in chapters across the country who give free educational presentations in high schools, colleges, and community youth organizations. Each CARE presentation conforms to the National Standards in K-12 Personal Finance Education developed by the National Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy.
Learn About CARE’s Curriculum
Who Can Volunteer?
Anyone with a passion for financial literacy education and who has personal or professional financial services experience is welcome to volunteer. CARE volunteers are located across the country and typically come from the bankruptcy profession, as well as other personal-finance fields. Volunteers include bankruptcy judges, attorneys, trustees, and others with an interest in teaching students how to manage their personal finances. Our volunteers are uniquely qualified to engage students in meaningful discussions based on their first-hand personal or professional experiences.
Where is CARE?
CARE has a national presence in financial literacy education, with dedicated chapter volunteers currently in over half of the states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. CARE’s focus is on presenting to local classrooms and other venues using local volunteers who understand the characteristics and challenges of their local communities and can best relate to the students.
See a list of our CARE chapters