Meet our Chapter Coordinators
The Honorable Michelle Harner​
The United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Maryland
The Honorable Lori Simpson
The United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Maryland
Richard London
Partner at Richard D. London & Associates, P.C.
Lisa Yonka Stevens
Attorney at Yumkas, Vidmar, Sweeney & Mulrenin LLC
About Us
CARE Maryland is supported by volunteers committed to helping schools, community organizations, and others provide meaningful financial literacy training to young people and their families. Care Maryland brings preventative education about the abuse of credit to high schools and youth groups throughout Maryland. Its volunteer presenters are current bankruptcy judges sitting in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Maryland and some of the nation’s premier bankruptcy and commercial attorneys as well as financial restructuring professionals. They offer students and other young adults the opportunity to benefit from their knowledge, experience and professionalism.
From New York to Virginia to Kentucky to Illinois to Arizona and California, CARE chapters are reaching out in their communities and making connections that transform lives. Thousands of CARE volunteers give their time and share their expertise to support our nation’s schools and help educate our youth so they can make smart financial decisions. Moreover, CARE makes an impact through the voices and perspectives of local community leaders sharing real-world examples about personal finances.
- “CARE volunteers Terri and Jeanne used the basics of managing money to share personal experiences managing their own money as well as lessons learned from their work in the bankruptcy field. Terri shared with the class how easy it is to get off track. She mentioned that she works with an individual who makes $36,000 a year but has over $80,000 in credit card debt. And this individual is not alone. Terri and Jeanne told the class that every day they meet people in crisis because they did not have a plan or roadmap to help them guide the way. With these real-life examples, CARE volunteers bring the lessons to life to help reach kids like those in Mr. Yoho’s class.” -CARE Maryland Presentation Feedback at Brunswick High School
Interested in having a CARE presenter visit your school or speak with your youth group?
Using the CARE curriculum created with young adults in mind, CARE Maryland Chapter utilizes the talent of a wide variety of accomplished professionals. We have sitting judges, lawyers as well as business professionals presenting to schools and organizations throughout Maryland. Click here to request a FREE CARE Maryland presentation.
Learn more about volunteering with CARE Maryland
Are you interested in volunteering with our chapter and want to know more about what is involved? Each month, CARE National hosts two volunteer information sessions for individuals who are interested in learning more about CARE’s mission.
If you are interested in signing up, FILL OUT THIS FORM. You will be sent the Zoom registration links after filling out the form.
After you attend one of CARE’s volunteer information sessions, you will be connected with our chapter coordinators who can give you more information about how to get involved with the CARE Maryland chapter.
If you have any questions, click here to contact our chapter.